
外部转载 | Linux 常用脚本

2019-02-26 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 90 阅读 / 0 字


这段脚本包含100多个bash函数,是我几年前方便自己调试和诊断问题写的。贴出来给有需要的人,因为比较懒怎么使用这些函数就不写说明了。其中以下划线开头的是表示私有函数,以 cf_​开头的表示公共函数,可当做命令使用。

# check current os is linux
function cf_is_linux() {
 [[ "$OSTYPE" = *linux* ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

# check current os is mac/darwin
function cf_is_darwin() {
 [[ "$OSTYPE" = *darwin* ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

# check current os is windows/cygwin
function cf_is_cygwin() {
 [[ "$OSTYPE" = *cygwin* ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

function cf_is_gnu_date() {
 date --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

function cf_is_gnu_sed() {
 sed --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

function cf_is_gnu_awk() {
 awk --version | grep GNU >/dev/null && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

function cf_is_gnu_grep() {
 grep --version | grep GNU >/dev/null && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

# java style startsWith
function cf_starts_with() {
 local str=$1
 local pre=$2
 [[ "$str" ==  ${pre}* ]]

# java style substring
function cf_substring() {
 local str=$1
 local begin=$2
 local end=$3
 if [ -z "$end" ]; then
 echo ${str:$begin} 
 local len=`expr $end - $begin`
 echo ${str:$begin:$len}

# get current shell name
function cf_shell_name() {
 local name=$( ps -ocommand= -p $$ | awk '{print $1}')
 if cf_starts_with $name "-"; then
 cf_substring $name 1
 echo $name

# check current shell is bash
function cf_is_bash() {
 [[ `cf_shell_name` = "-bash" || `basename $(cf_shell_name)` = "bash" ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

# check current shell is zsh
function cf_is_zsh() {
 [[ `cf_shell_name` = "-zsh" || `basename $(cf_shell_name)` = "zsh" ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

function _script_dir() {
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null; then
 cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd -P 
 elif cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 cd "$( dirname "${(%):-%N}" )" && pwd -P 
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1

function _script_file() {
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null; then
 basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 
 elif cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 basename "${(%):-%N}" 
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1

# colorful grep. private function
function _get_colorful_grep() {
 cf_is_gnu_grep >/dev/null && echo "grep --color" && return 0
 export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=always'
 export GREP_COLOR='1;35;40'
 echo "grep" 

# list all common functions
function cf_functions() {
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null; then
 declare -F | awk '{print $NF}' | grep "cf_" | sort
 elif cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 print -l ${(ok)functions} | grep "cf_" | sort
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1

# get total memory (MB)
function cf_mem_total() {
 if cf_is_linux >/dev/null; then
 free -m | awk '/^Mem/{print $2"M"}'
 elif cf_is_darwin >/dev/null; then
 sysctl hw.memsize | awk '{print $2/1024/1024"M"}'
 echo "unsupported os" && return 1

# decimal to hexadecimal
function cf_dec2Hex() {
 printf "%x" $1

# decimal to octal 
function cf_dec2Oct() {
 printf "%o" $1

# decimal to binary
function cf_dec2Bin() {
 echo "obase=2; $1" | bc

# hexadecimal to decimal 
function cf_hex2Dec() {
 echo $((16#$1))

# octal to decimal 
function cf_oct2Dec() {
 echo $((8#$1))

# binary to decimal 
function cf_bin2Dec() {
 echo $((2#$1))

function cf_calc() {
 local exp="$1"
 echo "$exp" | bc -l | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}'

# warning and exit, not for interactive shell
function cf_die() {
 local msg="$1"
 local code=${2:-1}
 echo "$msg" && exit $code

# highlight key words from file or pipeline
function cf_highlight() {
 local keyword="$1"
 local cgrep="$(_get_colorful_grep)"
 if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then
 # from pipeline
 while IFS='' read line; do
 echo $line | eval "$cgrep -E \"${keyword}|$\""
 local file="$2"
 eval "$cgrep -E \"${keyword}|$\"" "$file"

function cf_ps_env() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1

 if cf_is_linux >/dev/null; then
 xargs --null --max-args=1 < /proc/$pid/environ
 elif cf_is_darwin >/dev/null; then
 ps -wwE -p $pid
 echo "unsupported os" && return 1

# get bash(current shell) major version
function cf_bash_major_ver() {
 echo ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}

# get bash(current shell) minor version
function cf_bash_minor_ver() {
 echo ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]}

# get kernel version
function cf_kernel_ver() {
 if cf_is_linux >/dev/null; then
 uname -r | cut -d'-' -f1
 elif cf_is_darwin >/dev/null; then
 uname -r | cut -d'-' -f1
 echo "unsupported os" && return 1

# get kernel major version
function cf_kernel_major_ver() {
 if cf_is_linux >/dev/null; then
 uname -r | awk -F'.' '{print $1"."$2}' 
 elif cf_is_darwin >/dev/null; then
 uname -r | awk -F'.' '{print $1"."$2}' 
 echo "unsupported os" && return 1

# get kernel minor version
function cf_kernel_minor_ver() {
 if cf_is_linux >/dev/null; then
 uname -r | awk -F'.' '{print $3}'
 elif cf_is_darwin >/dev/null; then
 uname -r | awk -F'.' '{print $3}'
 echo "unsupported os" && return 1

# get value from config file such as app.properties
function cf_get_property() {
 local file="$1"
 local key="$2"
 grep "^${key}=" "$file" | tr -d '\r' | cut -d'=' -f2 | cf_trim

# get command path, eg: `cf_command_path ls` output /usr/bin/ls
function cf_command_path() {
 local cmd=$1
 cf_is_bash && builtin type -P $cmd && return $?

 if [ -x /usr/bin/which ]; then
 local p=$( /usr/bin/which $1 | head -1 )
 [ ! -z "$p" ] && echo $p && return 0
 return 1
 local p=$( which $1 | grep "^/" | head -1 )
 [ ! -z "$p" ] && echo $p && return 0
 return 1

# get all ip addresses
function cf_ip_list() {
 if [ -x /sbin/ip ]; then
 local list=$(/sbin/ip -o -4 addr list | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d'/' -f1 | tr '\n' ',')
 local list=$(/sbin/ifconfig | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/addr://' | tr '\n' ',')
 echo ${list%,}

function cf_stdio() {
 local pid=$1
 /usr/sbin/lsof -a -p $pid -d 0,1,2

function cf_stdout() {
 local pid=$1
 if cf_is_linux >/dev/null; then
 readlink -f /proc/$pid/fd/1
 elif cf_is_darwin >/dev/null; then
 /usr/sbin/lsof -a -p $pid -d 1 | awk 'NR>1{print $NF}'
 echo "unsupported os" && return 1

# get file last modification time
function cf_last_modification() {
 local file="$1"
 if [[ $OSTYPE == *linux* ]];then
 date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S -r $file
 elif [[ $OSTYPE == *darwin* ]];then
 stat -f "%Sm" -t "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" $file

# check current user is root 
function cf_is_root() {
 [ `whoami` = "root" ] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

# check current shell is interactive
function cf_is_interactive_shell() {
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null; then
 [[ "$-" = *i* ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 elif cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 [[ -o interactive ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1
 echo "false" && return 1

# check current shell is login shell
function cf_is_login_shell() {
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null; then
 shopt -q login_shell && echo "true" && return 0
 elif cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 [[ -o login ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1
 echo "false" && return 1

# check command is exists
function cf_is_command_exists() {
 local cmd=$1
 if [ -x /usr/bin/which ]; then
 /usr/bin/which $cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "true" && return 0
 which $cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "true" && return 0 
 echo "false" && return 1

# check file name globbing flag
function cf_is_glob_enabled() {
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null; then 
 [[ $- != *f* ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 elif cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 [[ -o glob ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1
 echo "false" && return 1

# enable file name globbing
function cf_enable_glob() {
 cf_is_bash >/dev/null && set +f && return 0
 cf_is_zsh >/dev/null && set -o glob && return 0
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1

# disable file name globbing
function cf_disable_glob() {
 cf_is_bash >/dev/null && set -f && return 0
 cf_is_zsh >/dev/null && set -o noglob && return 0
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1

# check extglob flag
function cf_is_extglob_enabled() {
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null; then 
 shopt -q extglob && echo "true" && return 0
 elif cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 [[ -o kshglob ]] && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1
 echo "false" && return 1

# enable extglob 
function cf_enable_extglob() {
 cf_is_bash >/dev/null && shopt -s extglob && return 0
 cf_is_zsh >/dev/null && set -o kshglob && return 0
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1

# disable extglob 
function cf_disable_extglob() {
 cf_is_bash >/dev/null && shopt -u extglob && return 0
 cf_is_zsh >/dev/null && unsetopt kshglob && return 0
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1

# check pid is exists
function cf_is_pid_exists() {
 local pid=$1
 [ -z "$pid" ] && echo "false" && return 1
 kill -0 $pid >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

function cf_is_java() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 ps -ocommand= -p$pid | awk '$1~/java$/' > /dev/null && echo "true" && return 0
 echo "false" && return 1

function cf_is_available_port() {
 local port=$1
 if [[ "$OSTYPE" = *linux* ]];then
 local r=$( netstat -ant | awk '$6=="LISTEN" && $4~":'$port'$"' )
 elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = *darwin* ]];then
 local r=$( netstat -ant | awk '$6=="LISTEN"' | grep "\.$port " )
 echo "unknown system" && return 1

 [ -z "$r" ] && echo "true" && return 0;
 echo "false" && return 1 # port has been used

function cf_defined() {
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null; then
 [[ ${!1-X} == ${!1-Y} ]]
 elif cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 [[ ${(P)1-X} == ${(P)1-Y} ]]
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1

function cf_has_value() {
 cf_defined $1 || return 1
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null; then
 [[ -n ${!1} ]] && return 0
 elif cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 [[ -n ${(P)1} ]] && return 0
 return 1

function cf_has_sudo_privilege() {
 # do not need password
 sudo -n echo >/dev/null 2>&1

function cf_timestamp() {
 date +%F-%T | tr ':-' '_' #2015_12_01_22_15_22

function cf_length() {
 echo ${#1}

# trim string
function cf_trim() {
 if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then
 while IFS='' read line; do
 _trim "$line"
 _trim "$1"

# private function
function _trim() {
 local str="$1"
 local extglob=$(cf_is_extglob_enabled)
 if cf_is_bash >/dev/null || cf_is_zsh >/dev/null; then
 [ $extglob = "false" ] && cf_enable_extglob
 str="${str##*( )}"
 str="${str%%*( )}"
 [ $extglob = "false" ] && cf_disable_extglob
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1
 echo $str

function cf_lower() {
 echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'

function cf_upper() {
 echo "$1" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'

function cf_ps_name() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 if cf_is_java $pid >/dev/null; then
 local main=$(cf_ps_java_main $pid)
 echo "java($main)"
 ps -ocommand= -p $pid | awk '{print $1}'

function cf_ppid() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 ps -oppid= -p $pid

function cf_ps_java_main() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 ps -ocommand= -p $pid | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '/-classpath|-cp/{getline;next};/^-/{next}1' | awk 'NR==2'

function cf_ps_time() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1

 local elapsed="$(ps -oetime= -p $pid | cf_trim)"
 local started="$(ps -olstart= -p $pid | cf_trim)"
 if [ `cf_is_gnu_date` = "true" ]; then
 started=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d "$started")
 local cpu_time=$(ps -otime= -p $pid | cf_trim)
 echo "started from: $started, elapsed: $elapsed, cumulative cpu time: $cpu_time"

function cf_ps_zombies() {
 ps -opid,state,command -e | awk 'NR==1 || $2=="Z"'

function cf_connection_topology() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1

 /usr/sbin/lsof -Pan -iTCP -p $pid > /tmp/.$pid.lsof
 grep -o "[0-9.:]*->[0-9.:]*" /tmp/.$pid.lsof > /tmp/.$pid.conns
 grep "LISTEN" /tmp/.$pid.lsof | awk '$9~/*/{print substr($9,3)}' > /tmp/.$pid.ports

 echo "-------------- downstream -------------"
 for port in $(cat /tmp/.$pid.ports); do
 cf_connection_list_by_port $port | awk '$6=="ESTABLISHED" {print $5}' | cut -d':' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2"-->localhost:"'$port'" ("$1")"}'

 echo "-------------- upstream ---------------"
 local portsExpr=$(cat /tmp/.$pid.ports | sed -e 's/^/:/' -e 's/$/->/' | xargs | sed 's/ /|/g')
 grep -Ev "$portsExpr" /tmp/.$pid.conns > /tmp/.$pid.out
 awk -F'->' '{print $2}' /tmp/.$pid.out | sort | uniq -c | sort -nrk1 | awk '{print "localhost-->"$2" ("$1")"}'
 rm -f /tmp/.$pid.lsof /tmp/.$pid.conns /tmp/.$pid.ports

function cf_connection_list_by_pid() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 /usr/sbin/lsof -Pan -iTCP -p $pid

function cf_connection_list_by_port() {
 local port=$1
 netstat -ant| awk '$4~/[:.]'"$port"'$/'

function cf_connection_stat_by_pid() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 local interval=${2:-1}
 /usr/sbin/lsof -Pan -iTCP -p $pid -r $interval

function cf_connection_stat_by_port() {
 local port=$1
 netstat -ant -c| awk '$1=="Proto"{print "\n"$0};$4~/[:.]'"$port"'$/'

function cf_listening_sockets() {
 #lsof -Pnl -i4TCP -sTCP:LISTEN #low version unsupported -sTCP params
 if cf_is_linux >/dev/null || cf_is_darwin >/dev/null; then
 if cf_has_sudo_privilege; then
 sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -Pnl -i4TCP | grep LISTEN
 /usr/sbin/lsof -Pnl -i4TCP | grep LISTEN
 netstat -plnt 2>/dev/null | grep -v tcp6

function cf_traffic_by_eth() {
 local eth=${1:-"eth0"}
 if cf_is_linux >/dev/null; then
 [ ! -d /sys/class/net/$eth ] && echo "network interface not exists." && return 1
 while true; do
 local r1=`cat /sys/class/net/$eth/statistics/rx_bytes`
 local t1=`cat /sys/class/net/$eth/statistics/tx_bytes`
 sleep 1
 local r2=`cat /sys/class/net/$eth/statistics/rx_bytes`
 local t2=`cat /sys/class/net/$eth/statistics/tx_bytes`
 local rkbps=`cf_calc "( $r2 - $r1 ) / 1024"`
 local tkbps=`cf_calc "( $t2 - $t1 ) / 1024"`
 echo "$eth: RX $rkbps kB/s TX $tkbps kB/s"
 elif cf_is_darwin >/dev/null; then
 # `netstat -I eth0 -w 1` or `nettop -n -m tcp`
 declare -a tuple
 local _i1=0
 cf_is_zsh >/dev/null && _i1=1
 local _i2=1
 cf_is_zsh >/dev/null && _i1=2
 while true; do
 tuple=( $(netstat -nbi -I $eth | tail -1 | awk '{print $7,$10}') )
 local r1=${tuple[$_i1]}
 local t1=${tuple[$_i2]}
 sleep 1
 tuple=( $(netstat -nbi -I $eth | tail -1 | awk '{print $7,$10}') )
 local r2=${tuple[$_i1]}
 local t2=${tuple[$_i2]}
 local rkbps=`cf_calc "( $r2 - $r1 ) / 1024"`
 local tkbps=`cf_calc "( $t2 - $t1 ) / 1024"`
 echo "$eth: RX $rkbps kB/s TX $tkbps kB/s"
 echo "unsupported os" && return 1

function cf_traffic_by_pid() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1

 # kernel 2.6.18 not support, must 2.6.32 or later?
 local pf="/proc/$pid/net/netstat"
 [ ! -f $pf ] && echo "$pf not found!" && return 1

 declare -a tuple
 local _i1=0
 cf_is_zsh >/dev/null && _i1=1
 local _i2=1
 cf_is_zsh >/dev/null && _i1=2
 local pname="$(cf_ps_name $pid)"
 while true; do
 tuple=( $(grep "IpExt: " $pf | awk 'NR==2{print $8,$9}') )
 local r1=${tuple[$_i1]}
 local t1=${tuple[$_i2]}
 sleep 1
 tuple=( $(grep "IpExt: " $pf | awk 'NR==2{print $8,$9}') )
 local r2=${tuple[$_i1]}
 local t2=${tuple[$_i2]}
 local rkbps=`cf_calc "( $r2 - $r1 ) / 1024"`
 local tkbps=`cf_calc "( $t2 - $t1 ) / 1024"`
 echo "$pname: IN $rkbps kB/s OUT $tkbps kB/s"

function cf_iotop() {
 sudo iotop -bod1

function cf_check_sum() {
 local dir=${1:-$PWD}
 local dirsum=0
 for sum  in $(find ${dir} -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cksum | awk '{print $1}')
 dirsum=$(( ${sum} + ${dirsum} ))
 echo ${dirsum}

function cf_java_classpath_check() {
 [ $# -eq 0 ] && echo "please enter classpath dir" && return 1
 [ ! -d "$1" ] && echo "not a directory" && return 1

 local tmpfile="/tmp/.cp$(date +%s)"
 local tmphash="/tmp/.hash$(date +%s)"
 local verbose="/tmp/cp-verbose.log"

 if cf_is_zsh >/dev/null;then
 local -a files
 local begin=1
 elif cf_is_bash >/dev/null;then
 declare -a files
 local begin=0
 echo "unsupported shell" && return 1
 files=(`find "$1" -name "*.jar"`)

 for f in $files; do
 jarName=`basename $f`
 list=`unzip -l $f | awk -v fn=$jarName '/\.class$/{print $NF,fn}'`
 size=`echo "$list" | wc -l`
 echo $jarName $size >> $tmphash
 echo "$list"
 done | sort | awk 'NF{ a[$1]++;m[$1]=m[$1]","$2}END{for(i in a) if(a[i] > 1) print i,substr(m[i],2)}' > $tmpfile

 awk '{print $2}' $tmpfile | awk -F',' '{i=1;for(;i<=NF;i++) for(j=i+1;j<=NF;j++) print $i,$j}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nrk1 | 
 while read line; do
 local dup=${line%% *}
 local jars=${line#* }
 local jar1=${jars% *}
 local jar2=${jars#* }
 local len_jar1=`grep -F "$jar1" $tmphash | grep ^"$jar1" | awk '{print $2}'`
 local len_jar2=`grep -F "$jar2" $tmphash | grep ^"$jar2" | awk '{print $2}'`
 local len=$(($len_jar1 > $len_jar2 ? $len_jar1 : $len_jar2))
 local per=$(echo "scale=2; $dup/$len" | bc -l)
 echo ${per/./} $dup $jar1 $jar2
 done | sort -nr -k1 -k2 | awk 'NR==1{print "Similarity DuplicateClasses File1 File2"}{print "%"$0}'| column -t

 sort $tmpfile | awk '{print $1,"\n\t\t",$2}' > $verbose
 echo "See $verbose for more details."

 rm -f $tmpfile
 rm -f $tmphash

function cf_java_class_find() {
 local libdir=$1
 local name=$2
 local glob=$(cf_is_glob_enabled)
 [ $glob = "false" ] && cf_enable_glob
 builtin pushd $libdir >/dev/null
 for j in *.jar; do
 unzip -l $j | grep $name && echo $j;
 builtin popd >/dev/null
 [ $glob = "false" ] && cf_disable_glob

function cf_java_pids() {
 ps x | grep "jav[a]" | awk '{print $1}'

function cf_java_infos() {
 for p in `cf_java_pids`; do
 echo "java pid: $p"
 info=`ps -opid=,command= -p $p | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '/-classpath|-cp/{getline;next};/-Xmx|-Dcatalina.base/{print};/^-/{next};1' | xargs`
 echo "  $info"
 time=`cf_ps_time $p`
 echo "  $time"

function cf_java_threads() {
 local pid=$1
 local vm_threads="GC task|VM |CompilerThread|Finalizer|Reference Handler|Signal Dispatcher"
 "$JAVA_HOME"/bin/jstack $pid | grep "^\"" | grep -Ev "$vm_threads"

function cf_java_sysprops() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 "$JAVA_HOME"/bin/jinfo -sysprops $pid

function cf_jstack_series() {
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 local count=${2:-5}  # defaults 5 times
 local delay=${3:-0.5} # defaults 0.5 seconds

 local logdir=${LOG_DIR:-"/tmp"}
 while [ $count -gt 0 ]; do
 if cf_is_gnu_date >/dev/null; then 
 local suffix=$(date +%H%M%S.%N)
 local suffix=$(date +%H%M%S)"."$count
 "$JAVA_HOME"/bin/jstack $pid > $logdir/jstack.$pid.$suffix
 sleep $delay
 let count--
 echo -n "."

function cf_dmesg() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1

 dmesg -T "$@" 2>/dev/null
 [ $? -eq 0 ] && return 0

 dmesg "$@" | perl -w -e 'use strict;
 my ($uptime) = do { local @ARGV="/proc/uptime";<>}; ($uptime) = ($uptime =~ /^(\d+)\./);
 foreach my $line (<>) {
 printf( ($line=~/^\[\s*(\d+)\.\d+\](.+)/) ? ( "[%s]%s\n", scalar localtime(time - $uptime + $1), $2 ) : $line )

function cf_trace_http_request() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e read -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep " HTTP/1[.][01][\]r[\]n" 

function cf_trace_http_response() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e write -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1[.][01] " 

function cf_trace_http_req_header() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e read -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep " HTTP/1[.][01][\]r[\]n" | sed  's/\\r\\n/\n/g'

function cf_trace_http_resp_header() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e write -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1[.][01] " | sed 's/\\r\\n/\n/g'

function cf_trace_http_invoke() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e sendto -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep " HTTP/1[.][01][\]r[\]n" 

function cf_trace_connect() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e connect -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep "port"

function cf_trace_socket() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e connect,socket,close -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep "port"

function cf_trace_sql_select() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e sendto,write -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep -i "[\]3select"

function cf_trace_sql_update() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e sendto,write -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep -i "[\]3update"

function cf_trace_sql_insert() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e sendto,write -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep -i "[\]3insert"

function cf_trace_redis_command() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 local cmd=$2
 strace -e sendto,write -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep -i "$cmd[\]r[\]n"

function cf_trace_dubbo_request() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e read -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep -i "[\]tinterface"

function cf_trace_dubbo_invoke() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 strace -e write -s 2000 -qftp $pid 2>&1 | grep -i "[\]tinterface"

function cf_trace_system_call() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 local pid=$1
 ! cf_is_pid_exists >/dev/null $pid && echo "pid:$pid not exists" && return 1
 local time=${2:-5}

 local outfile="/tmp/.sys-call.$pid"
 strace -cqftp $pid -o $outfile & 
 local spid=$!
 while [ $time -gt 0 ]; do
 sleep 1
 let time--
 echo -n "."
 echo ""
 kill $spid && echo "ok"
 # if strace process still exists
 cf_is_pid_exists $spid >/dev/null 2>&1 && kill -9 $spid
 cat $outfile && rm -f $outfile

function cf_random_entropy_stat() {
 ! cf_is_linux >/dev/null && echo "only works in linux" && return 1
 while true; do
 echo "entropy available:" `cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail`
 sleep 1

function cf_json_fmt() {
 python -mjson.tool

function cf_http_server() {
 local port=${1:-8000}
 python -mSimpleHTTPServer $port 2>/dev/null

